Friday, March 21, 2008

You've got to be kidding me!?!

It's the second day of spring and I am wearing, a coat, hat, boots, and as of 20 minutes ago, gloves. Why you ask am I wearing such apparel? Because it is snowing, yes Snowing! But this is what has me specifically bothered this afternoon.

Loving realpolitik husband bought me a pair of fingerless gloves from Banana Republic for Christmas. I have a tendency not to wear gloves in the winter because I am always too warm with them on, or I am never able to handle things very well when I do have gloves on. So fingerless gloves are the best thing for me, they keep my hands protected from the elements while also allowing me the flexibility to handle groceries, keys, etc without any problem. I have worn said gloves since Christmas, not everyday, but the majority of the days for the past three months, until 20 minutes ago. To much to my chagrin, my gloves have started to disintegrate. (See Exhibit A)

I've been asking myself all morning, what is worse, having my beloved Banana Republic gloves be unusable, or the fact that it is March and I am still wearing gloves!!!!