Thursday, March 13, 2008

The long of the short lists

I got a call from a friend of mine this afternoon and wanted to have a conversation about possible VP's. I was flattered someone thought of calling me and asking me for an opinion on what each ticket will look like, but then also horrified that I didn't have a more thoughtful answer of the possibilities. I am going to blame John McCain's Jedi mind tricks, which insured me that these are not the VP candidates I am looking for.

So while I am still in a bit of a VP daze at the moment, I decided to do some research and see what others have to say. I haven't heard or read anything yet that I totally agree with or believe that they have found the holy grail of vice presidential candidates; but here are some interesting thoughts:

Will Durst's suggestions are well thought out, especially his idea of countering the minority card, by listing several Republican party minority candidates. Personally, I wouldn't list George Clooney as "taking the woman thing out of play" maybe the hunk thing out of play- which wouldn't hurt McCain's chances.

On a more serious note, from a cohort blogher, this list is a little more concise and thoughtful. I like the safe bet of the young Republican governor from the Midwest, Tim Pawlenty. This would be the safe candidate that really wouldn't add too much drama for the Republicans, they have enough of that right now with Spitzer.

Lastly, a news article out of Reuters, focuses on McCain's age and like the above blog does pick some of the young Repub governors as possible running mates. Again, very thought provoking and does give some background on who is in and who is "ouft".

After reviewing these list and pontificating, Here is what I think. Taking into consideration this could all change dependent on what happens with the Dems in terms of Florida and Michigan and who the final nominee will be. But using today's knowledge, without looking into my crystal ball, here is my very short list.

1. Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. A young Republican Governor that will do a very good job bringing out the vote in Florida, which may become a huge battleground state again. If the Democrats totally piss off the Democratic and Independent voters in that state, it will be an easier victory for the Republicans in Florida, since a lot of them probably won't show up in the general election. People are sick of election drama in Florida.

2. MN Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Like Governor Crist, with a lot to offer McCain in terms of delivering an important state to the red category.

3. Kay Bailey Hutchison: She has a reputation for not being particularly conservative on life and immigration issues, but she is more accomplished than Hillary (if she is the nominee) and could help McCain reach out to the women's vote.

The dark horse? Joe Lieberman. You can't have a discussion about VP's without adding Joe to the list. His age is bothersome, and while McCain is having problems winning many conservatives over, this wouldn't be a wise choice. But if you are looking for experience, and someone who would do a good job of wiping away any sort of Democratic momentum, Joe is the guy.

So there you go. To my friend and her aunt who called this morning to discuss, I am sorry for my delay in my response, I hope this helps. To those of you out there, who are wondering about my pontificating and if possibly I've drank the red Kool-Aid, there is nothing to worry about. When one of realpolitik baby's first 25 words is "O-bama" I don't think there is much to worry about. Not to mention, I would much rather think about the strategy Democrats can use against the Republican ticket, than listen to any more discussion about the Florida and Michigan primaries.