Friday, March 7, 2008

15 Minutes

Being a SAHM I've come to realize that unless there is a plan of some sort for the day, it can go by very s-l-o-w-l-y.

That is why on those days where there isn't anything to look forward to, like a trip to the grocery store (sad isn't it), playgroups, classes, etc, my day usually breaks down into 15 to 30 minute increments. This is because there is the planning process of "15 minutes before baby needs to eat, nap or sleep" and then an implementation process of "OK, 30 minutes for baby to eat, play, or read". It's not that I have baby on such a regimented schedule that I only give baby 15-30 minutes for a particular activity, but rather that is usually as long as baby's attention span.

To tell you the truth, this is helpful, very helpful. While I am sure many out there might think that my OCD has kicked into high gear, you try not having a plan with a 21 month old who is constantly wanting to play with the snow shovel in the house, if you don't keep hims busy. Then tack on a few days of baby being sick and not being able to leave the house. THEN, there is a whole new level of time management!