Monday, February 11, 2008

Pink Slip, Baby

Usually about this time everyday, I have a few minutes to myself to check my email, read a few blogs here and there and get some time to myself. I only allow it to be a half an hour, maybe a full hour tops, but while zipping around the web, I did have a chance to read Joanne's dilemma on Punditmom. I whole heartedly agree!

I too am a woman who thought that I would always vote for a woman when she ran for president, but at this moment, not this one. What bothers me is the 35+ years experience she totes around, but I've also been told that I have drank too much of the Obama Kool-Aid here in Chicago and I don't see the bigger picture. Actually, I do see the bigger picture and today's news I think is a prime example on why Hillary is not my #1 in the primaries.

I have yet to turn on any sort of cable news stations, but as I was placing babypolitik's breakfast in front of him, I heard the news that Hillary Clinton had fired her campaign manager over the weekend. Speculation is that said manager, Patti Solis Doyle, was given the pink slip - or maybe it's blue - because of Hillary's defeat in Iowa and poor showing in other states. Doesn't this seem like it is done out of desperation? The Clinton campaign is not on the downward spiral just yet, or is this how they want us to see the Clinton candidacy? The past two Mondays there have been big news stories about Hillary and her almost sad little campaign. This is all spin. Like a record baby, round, round, round, round. Someone was right, the Clinton campaign is trying play the underdog and hope that will bring some votes their way. Sorry Hillary, I don't think it's your manager that is to blame, maybe it's the person/candidate she is trying to manage.