Wednesday, February 6, 2008

One small step for bloggers

And one giant leap for me! Who knows where this journey into the blogosphere will take me and what exactly will happen from this point forward, but I can assure you of a couple, two, tree things.

1. This will not turn into a blog about my child or husband. Of course my young son and husband will be mentioned from time to time, but I will try to keep it to the trials and tribulations of parenting, with maybe a few token pictures or anecdotes for comic relief.

2. I do not assume to know everything or try to know everything. I can only give my take on the issues in hopes to bring something to the conversation that maybe others agree or disagree with, but at least may open your mind to some new idea, subject, receipe, breaking gossip/news story and/or just general nonsence.

Lastly, I the blogger of the Politik Mom in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish my form of Justice, hope we will have domestic and international Tranquility, provide for the common defence and promote the general Welfare, through my tax dollars and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this blog.

Now let's PLAY BALL!