Monday, October 27, 2008

Yeah, I've got a question.

Realpolitik Mama had a few hours to herself yesterday morning. Not enough to finish all of my coffee or the Sunday paper but enough time to get through some of the paper as well as watch a few minutes of my favorite Sunday morning talk show. Now we've been listening to a lot or rhetoric from the McCain camp about shutting down the pork barrel spending that happens in the Congress and how dare Senator Obama look out for his own constituents and approve a bill that allowed the Adler Planetarium to purchase a new projector. Which by the way was incorrect, read the real story here.

Earmarks or pork barrel projects are where lawmakers insert money for special projects into congressional appropriations bills. These special projects are for the most part designed to happen and benefit the congressional district or state that said representative is from. I remember when I was in college there was a big to do over several federally funded projects that Loyola University of Chicago received because of former Congressman and Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, Dan Rostenkowski's influence.

Now before I pose my question, don't get me wrong I am not saying that earmarks are a good thing. There are plenty of special projects out there that are unnecessary and probably shouldn't be funded and there is a way to weed those out.

So my question. Are we supposed to believe that John McCain has NEVER voted for a bill or asked to push an appropriations bill through to help his great state of Arizona? In his 24 + years as a Senator his has done NOTHING to help bring jobs and money to his constituents and his state?
I think I found my answer or answers.