Friday, November 7, 2008

He is OUT!

Dear Mr. Lieberman:

It's official, our relationship is now over. At first I thought you were just being an independent and trying to work both sides of the aisle to make our country a better place. As a democrat, I saw your switch to an independent as a good and strategic move; but lately I have been thinking that maybe your motives were personal. Were you feeling slighted by the party that had you as their nominee for Vice President 4 years ago?
Now Mr. Lieberman, we are taking it personally. As an independent you are able to support whomever you would like during the campaign and you did. You stayed out of the public eye for most of the campaign until the very end when you were seen standing behind Senator McCain at many of his campaign rallies while also taking part and hanging out with the Democratic Caucus.
You can't have it both ways and I along with Senator Reid are slighted by your actions.

Maybe Senator McCain should have listened to his gut and picked you rather than Caribou Barbie, but I think again you would be in the same situation are you now. Please Mr. Lieberman, you've been given your hat, be gracious and respectful to others that you've let down.

Realpolitik Mama
UPDATE: The Democrats voted. Senator Lieberman is still in. Read this letter to Senator Lieberman