Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The two year toy black hole

Since we've been home, I've been looking closely at realpolitik toddler's (RT) toys. Some of the toys in and around his toy basket, he has had since he was 6 months old while the others have just been accumulated since that time. Yesterday, as part of my fall clean up, I decided that I would pull all of his toys out and begin to separate things that he still plays with vs things that he has showed no interest in or is too old for now. Of course as soon as I began the process RT woke up from his nap, and pulled Every.Single. Toy out! This did not help with my organization and make me more confused on what to actually pack away and what we should keep out a little while longer. But that isn't the reason for this post - well kind of.

Because I feel the need to infuse some new toys into RT's repertoire. A. To keep him entertained and B. to have new toys for the kids in his playgroup to play with when they come over. I decided I would take a gander at the local toy store to see what new and exciting toys are out there for a 2 year old. 2 words. Not Much. I sense that two year olds are kind of in that stage where they are too old for some toys and too young for others. I try to adhere to the labels that give you an indication of age appropriateness of games/toys, but I am having a hard time finding something in the 2 year old age. Hence I feel like I have entered the toy black hole. While I so want to purchase new toys for RT to play with and entertain himself while also making sure that the game/toy I do purchase will actually go to good use.

It's just a big dilemma at this age I am torn! Not to mention what happens come December?!?!


Anonymous said...

I try not to worry about the age issue. Not that i am oblivious or irresponsible about it. My toddler is 26 months. We JUST pulled out a bunch of his Christmas toys from last year this week, as i just did the toy purge. Anyhow, when I was looking at the toys, I let him have some that were for 3 year olds, if there were not small parts, and if i felt he was able to enjoy and or comprehend them. Its a personal thing.