Monday, April 21, 2008

The Best Poll of the Campaign - so far

Yet again I've been out of commission the past week or so due to some family obligations, but I am hoping that after Sunday - Orthodox Easter- I'll have a little more time on my hands to get back to the 2 a week blogging. But in the meantime, this morning I came across the best and maybe what I thought was the craziest polls so far.

Tomorrow is the big Pennsylvania Democratic primary. This is it people, this should (hopefully) tell who the heir apparent will be! So with all this attention on Pennsylvania and deciphering who will win the primary before people in the state go to their polling places, MSNBC/McClatchy/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has done a recent poll to see exactly which way the tide is turning. This poll is a lot like the rest, but what gave me a really good laugh this morning were some of the specific demographics that were polled, specifically Hunters. Gun Owners, Beer drinkers and Bowlers. I am still a little baffled if I am more amused by the the stereotyping of Pennsylvania voters or is it just that I am amused that we've come to this. I guess if the candidates show up at any place, there will now be a poll on that! How about waffle eaters? Pittsburgh Pirate or Steeler fans? I'll admit it was 6am when I flipped on the news and heard about this poll while not firing on all my caffeinated cylinders. But this did give me a good laugh, while the rest of me was not happy to be up so early.