Saturday, July 12, 2008

Realvacation Mama

It’s pretty much official that I am on vacation. I still have some of the responsibilities of maintaining a house, like I do at home but it’s hard to complain with the pretty relaxed schedule that I’ve fallen into. Here is a pretty typical day. I've attempted many times to upload with some pictures for additional visualization. (If I had normal internet access I would blog in real time, but you don’t want to get me started on that again)

A normal day begins at 8:30 when I wake from my slumber with realvacation toddler usually asking for his mother and/or grandmother. Straight away to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee and a glass of milk for my son where we then proceed to the balcony (it’s too hot to sit inside) to sit tableside for coffee, milk and maybe even a cookie or two. There is banter back and forth between us (my mom, son, and myself) and our next door neighbors that happen to be my aunt, uncle, cousin, her husband and their 2 kids about what food shopping needs to happen and then off for the 2nd cup of coffee. Our view from the balcony doesn’t suck. Straight ahead are several big mountains, and just to the right a block & ½ away is the beach, which we can see from the balcony, the view also brings about banter about the conditions at the beach.

Around 9:30 or so, off to the markets and bakery for fresh fruits, veggies, and bread for the day – about another ½ block from the house.

Between 10:30-11:00 we + a large beach bag full of stuff and umbrella leave for the beach. Toddler gets in some time in the water, but would much rather spend his time filling his buckets with water then bringing them up to where we sit and playing with several other children at the beach. He is the youngest so sometimes he becomes the water fetcher, but he doesn’t mind. I have yet to count but he probably goes down to the water at least 30-40 times.

1:00pm back home for a quick shower and lunch, from what we’ve purchased at the markets.

2-5ish We all nap. Realvacation toddler a little longer than others – I know I am going to hear it from my OMF’s, but yes I let my son sleep over 3 hours. After we wake up, there is usually another cup of coffee.

6:00pm We head back to the beach or go for a nice walk down into town where there is a park for son to play.

7:30pm Back home for yet another shower (if we go to the beach), a light dinner for son (usually left overs + fruit). Son plays a little while longer, my mother and I argue about what time he needs to go to bed and then 9:00 toddler in bed, sometimes even later. (You wouldn’t believe how late these children go to bed here!)

Between then and when it’s time for bed usually consists of reading the paper, a book- I am on my 4th – and just general chit chat about whatever.

So, you tell me……is that a vacation? I’ve done this almost every year of my life and since I can remember, usually about 3 weeks in, I don’t ever want to come home………